Thursday 6 July 2017

Quinoa: Nutritional Aspects

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is a plant belonging to the family Amaranthaceae, native to the Andeanregions being adaptable to different types of soil and climatic conditions, Its composition has aroused the attention of the scientific community for its high nutritional value, being rich in proteins, unsaturated fats, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, with an extraordinary balance of essential amino acids.

It is also characterized by being a gluten-free grain that enables its use in the diet of celiac patients. Despite all these attributes, quinoa is still little used due to the high cost of the imported grain and little knowledge of its benefits by most consumers. More studies are needed to increase knowledge about this "pseudo-cereal" and prove their functional and nutritional benefits. Quinoa is a food plant of the family Amaranthaceae, subfamily Chenopodiaceae, genus Chenopodium, native to the Andean regions of Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, and its cultivation dates back thousands of years. Read more>>>>>>>>>

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