Friday 30 June 2017

Targeting Approaches for Effective Therapeutics of Bone Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a potentially fatal contagious disease and is one of the foremost, infectiousdisease and one of leading cause of death in the world. About more than 1 million people die every year because of this disease.

Bone Tuberculosis
The bacteria infects predominantly lungs however it can affect any part of the body. It is been known since ancient times that Mycobacterium tuberculosis is also responsible for affecting bones and joints area. It is also called as tuberculosis osteomyelitis or nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) skeletal infections.These infections generally occur due to restoration and revival of infection when mycobacterial gets harbored in the bone when pulmonary infection spreads and reaches to non-pulmonary site i.e. bones during primary infection by mycobacteria.

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