Friday 16 June 2017

Drug Addiction, Relapse and Recovery

The illegality of drug use has prevented obtaining accurate assessment of the extent of their use and of the adverse effects in individuals and communities. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that approximately 10.2% of the population is involved in illicitdrug use and that among young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 years, illicit drug use is as high as 22%.

Drug Addiction
Recently, the increase in deaths from illicit drug overdose, particularly involving heroin, has become alarming. In 2013 alone, almost 44,000 deaths were related to opioid overdose from both prescribed and illegal sources. From 2010 through 2013, the age-adjusted death rate from heroin overdose nearly tripled. Moreover, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimates that there are 2.8 million people with substance use disorders who currently receive coverage from the current Affordable Care Act (ACA).

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