Friday 24 March 2017

Clinical Pharmacist Active Role in Registrative Clinical Trials

Registrative Clinical Trials

The gold standard for a registrative trial is to obtain the best results in clinical outcomes under research to be sure that the drugs can give the best results. But are we sure that the actual registrative procedure are really the best?

Is request clinical pharmacist presence in clinical trial for drug registrative use? If the pharmacist presence in medical team gives improving in some clinical outcomes why is not request by regulatory clinical pharmacist presence in registrative trial?” Luisetto, J Pharma Care Health Sys 2016, 3:2

A 2015 research article by M. Luisetto, F. Carini, G. Bologna and Behzad Nili A Pharmacist cognitive service and pharmaceutical care today and tomorrow outlook. UKJPB 3: 67-72.We have seen that a general improvement of clinical outcomes can be achieved with a stabile presence of clinical pharmacist in many medical team

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