Friday 24 March 2017

Clinical Pharmacist Active Role in Registrative Clinical Trials

Registrative Clinical Trials

The gold standard for a registrative trial is to obtain the best results in clinical outcomes under research to be sure that the drugs can give the best results. But are we sure that the actual registrative procedure are really the best?

Is request clinical pharmacist presence in clinical trial for drug registrative use? If the pharmacist presence in medical team gives improving in some clinical outcomes why is not request by regulatory clinical pharmacist presence in registrative trial?” Luisetto, J Pharma Care Health Sys 2016, 3:2

A 2015 research article by M. Luisetto, F. Carini, G. Bologna and Behzad Nili A Pharmacist cognitive service and pharmaceutical care today and tomorrow outlook. UKJPB 3: 67-72.We have seen that a general improvement of clinical outcomes can be achieved with a stabile presence of clinical pharmacist in many medical team

Monday 20 March 2017

Logarithmic Partition Coefficient Comparison Study and Molecular Weight of Synthesized Prodrugs of Ibuprofen+Paracetamol, Diclofenac Sodium+Paracetamol and Ibuprofen+Diclofenac Sodium

Molecular Weight of Synthesized Prodrugs

Prodrug is a substance which after administration is metabolized into a pharmacologically active drug. Actually prodrug has least medicinal value in in-vitro/in-vivo but after biotransformation by metabolism in invivo it releases the active medicament.

A drug is a substance which is a chemical entity, has definite structural skeleton, obtained by natural or synthetic or semisynthetic source, which can fit on bioreceptor platform having controlling capacity to control over the biochemical malfunction.

Every drug is xenobiotic because it is coming from outer source (xeno) and active in biological unit (biotic). Prodrug is the precursor of drug which is made by derivatization of the same to enhance the bioavailability by pharmacokinetics, lipid solubility by partition coefficient and increase the physicochemical and biochemical parameters by pharmacodynamics.