Monday 29 May 2017

Gastroretentive Controlled Release Glibenclamide Oral Tablet Formulation

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC-4000cps, fixed amount), various contents of calcium hydroxide, stearyl alcohol, magnesium stearate, different drug: PVP ratios and altered tablet hardness were used to design floating tablet formulation capable to deliver glibenclamide in a sustained manner.

Both full factorial and Box-Wilson designs, in consecutive manner, were used to investigate for the influences of these formulation variables on the developed dosage form performance and drug release.

Tablet hardness has revealed an influential effect on tablet onset of floating, and drug release was shown to be more evident in the initial phase (p<0.05).

Friday 19 May 2017

Delirium, The Geriatrics Ward Challenge

Delirium or acute confusion state is a medical emergency, characterized by altered mental status with fluctuating deficits in attention and cognition.

It’s an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Even though most of the causes are secondary to medical conditions and after they are solved, the delirium disappear, there are cases that it can persist for weeks and months.

Many risk factors are known, such as polypharmacy, restraint use, multiple illness, frailty, advanced age. Instruments like CAM (Confusion Assessment Method) can be useful to diagnose and non-pharmacological measures with low-dose antipsychotic drugs can be helpful in its resolution.

Monday 15 May 2017

Infection Control in the Use of Urethral Catheter: Knowledge and Practices of Nurses

Urethral Catheter
To identify knowledge and practises of nurses regarding infection control in the use of urethral catheter and associated urinary tract infection in private tertiary care hospital Peshawar.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the current knowledge of nurses regarding urinary catheter care.

The study was also focused on practises and standard guidelines about urinary catheter care of nurses in private tertiary care hospitals.

Friday 5 May 2017

On a New Neovaginal Prosthesis of PLA (Polylactic Acid)

Vaginal dilation is proposed as the first choice treatment for patients with vaginal aplasia, but many patients with MRKH or Rokitansky syndrome (and cases with CAIS) may require a vaginoplasty.
Neovaginal Prosthesis

It is also necessary to make vaginoplasty in patients with vaginal or cervico-vaginal atresia with a functional uterus before performing an utero-neovaginal anastomosis, also in trans-sexual men.

In any case, the aim of vaginoplasty is the formation of a satisfactory vagina in appearance, function, and feeling without additional morbidity.